自2020年6月18日起,PMI英文网站的PMP申请资料填写流程将进行升级优化,填写内容方面基本没有变化,只是简化了填写步骤,优化了格式和流程。如下资料将帮助考生更好的了解优化后的填写流程: 1.0 Certification Application Redesign QRG In the second half of June 2020 PMI will be launching redesigned applications for all current certification applications including; PMP, CAPM, PgMP, PfMP, PMI-ACP, PMI-PBA, PMI-RMP and PMISP.The new applications were created based on extensive user feedback, and are designed to improve the customer experience for all certification candidates.Please note that eligibility requirements (years of work experience, hours of training required, etc.) are not changing however, the format for submitting that information has been streamlined and updated. 1.0 新 PMI 认证申请流程快速参考指南 在2020年6月下旬,PMI 将启动新的认证申请流程,适用于所有目前的认证申请,包括:PMP、CAPM、PgMP、PfMP、PMI-ACP、PMI-PBA、PMI-RMP 和 PMI-SP。新申请流程的设置基于大量的用户反馈,用于改进所有认证考生的申请体验。请注意资格要求(工作经验年限、需要的培训小时数等)没有变化。然而,提交这些信息的格式进行了简化和更新。 2.0 Using this Document The information below refers to the key changes taking place for a specific state along the customer application journey. Review the updates below to familiarize yourself with the latest redesign 2.0 如何使用本文件 以下信息是关于整个申请流程中不同特定状态下的重要变化。请阅读以下更新来熟悉新流程的变化。 2.1 Pending State New experience fields have been added and will be required to submit an application. 2.1 申请待定状态 增加了新的经验字段,考生需要提交申请。 2.2 Submitted State Applications will be reviewed prior to upgrade, no action required. 2.2 申请已提交状态 在流程更新前将完成申请审查,考生无需采取任何行动。 2.3 Audit State Proceed with audit process as usual. Upon completing and passing audit, applications will be moved to Eligible to Pay state and follow the same rules for ETP. 2.3 审查状态 和往常一样,按审查流程继续进行。在完成和通过审查后,申请将进入具备付费资格状态,并遵循相应的规则。 2.4 Eligible to Pay Proceed with payment however, if paid after the upgrade, customer will need to fill out details for the exam, including name on ID, name on Certificate, the country in which the exam will be taken, and if Cert App Redesign Quick Reference Guide the customer requires exam accommodations. Once information is entered, customer can still pay for the exam. 2.4 具备付费资格状态 继续完成付款。然而,如果是在流程更新后付款,考生需要填写关于考试的详细内容,包括ID 上的姓名、证书上的姓名、考试所在国家以及是否需要提供便利设施(为残疾人士或有健康相关需求的考生所提供)。在输入以上信息后,可以继续支付考试费。(补充说明:中国大陆地区所有考试付款均在中国国际人才交流基金会网站上操作。) 2.5 Exam Accommodations Pending Proceed with the accommodations documentation process as usual. Upon completion and approval,eligibility will be sent to exam vendor and application will be placed in Eligible to Exam state. 2.5.考试便利设施(为残疾人士或有健康相关需求的考生所提供)待定状态 和往常一样,继续完成考试便利设施申请文件处理过程。在完成和批准后,有效资格将被发送给考试供应商。申请将进入具备考试资格状态。 2.6 Panel Review in Progress Proceed with the Panel Review process as usual. Upon completion and approval, eligibility will be sent to exam vendor and application will be placed in Eligible to Exam state. 2.6 正在进行小组审查状态 和往常一样,进行小组审查。在完成和批准后,有效资格将被发送给考试提供商。申请将进入具备考试资格状态。 2.7 Eligible to Schedule (CAPM Bundle Only) It’s suggested to fill out exam details prior to the redesign launch (second half of June 2020),however an application’s exam details can still be updated after the redesign goes live. Go to to update exam details (by second half of June 2020). Upon submitting this information, applications will be placed in Eligible for Exam state. 2.7 具备预约资格状态(仅适用于 CAPM 优惠计划) 建议在启动新的考试申请流程(2020 年 6 月下旬)前,填写考试详细信息。不过,在此之后,申请考试的详细信息仍可更新。登录 来更新考试详细信息(在 2020 年 6 月下旬之前)。在提交信息后,申请将进入具备考试资格状态。 2.8 Eligible for Exam No change required, proceed with scheduling exams as usual. 2.8 具备考试资格状态 无变化,和往常一样继续预约考试。 2.9 Expired State Upon reopening an application after the redesign launch (second half of June 2020), new fields will be required (see below).Cert App Redesign Quick Reference Guide 2.9 考试资格过期状态 在启动新的考试申请流程(2020 年 6 月下旬)后,重新开始之前的申请时,需要填写新的字段(如下所示)。 2.10 Experience Field Changes Removed from Applications Organization Address/Phone Added to Applications Functional Reporting Area 2.10 经验字段的变化 从申请中删除的内容 在申请中增加的内容 2.11 Calculating Experience There are two primary guidelines when calculating experience: 1. Months occurring twice in the same year of experience will not be counted towards the totalexperience requirement. See example below. 2. Certification applications may have different time limitations for work experience. For example,the PMP application experience must be within the last 8 years. For details by certification,please refer to the respective handbook or visit App Redesign Quick Reference Guide 2.11 计算工作经验 在计算经验时有两个主要指导原则: 1. 在同一年的工作经验中,在某些月份有重叠的工作经验时,将不被重复计入要求的总经验小时数。举例如下: 2020 年 1 月-2002 年 3 月(3 个月) 2020 年 3 月-2020 年 11 月(8 个月的经验。3 月只在第一个时段被计入,第二个时段不计入)。 2. 认证申请可能有不同的工作经验限制。例如,申请 PMP 要求的工作经验需在最近的 8年内。了解认证的详细信息,请参考相应的认证手册或登录。 |